1. BA in Education : Early Childhood Education
2. BA in Education : Counseling Psychology
3. BA in Education : English
4. BS in Safety, Health and Environmental Security Management : Safety / Health / Emergency Aid / Environmental Lifeguard
5. BS in Beauty & Derma Cosmetics : Inner Line M. / Kyunglak M./ Cellular Stem M./ Spa M.
6. BS in Information Technology : Information Technology
7. BS in Business Administration : Business Administration
8. BS in Social Welfare : Social Welfare
9. BS in Hotel, Restaurant & Tourism : Hotel & Restaurant
10. BS in Oriental Medicine : Acupuncture / Herbal /Gobul
11. BS in Chiropractic : Chiropractic / Applied Kinesiology
12. BS in Quantum Taro : Cosmic Energy / Digital Med. / Taero Med. /
13. MS in Beauty & Derma Cosmetics : K-Beuaty / K-Stem / Kyunglak
14. MS in Information Technology : IT / Computer
15. MA in Counseling Psychology : Senior Counseling, Women's Counseling, Youth Counseling
16. MS in Social Welfare : Social Welfare
17. MS in Business Administration : Management
18. MS in Health and Safety : Safety / Health / Sumaeck & Earthing
19. MS in Oriental Medicine : Sabo Acupoint / Gobul Gobul Structural Five Elements / Fermentation Studies / Qi Gong
20. MS in Chiropractic : Chiropractic / Rolfing / KSNS / Inner Line M.
21. Doctor of Philosophy in Education : Education Management
22. Doctor in Philosophy : Western Philosophy
23. Doctor in Health and Safety : Safety/ Health / Environmental Life Management
24. Doctor in Health Science : Health Science Medicine
25. Doctor in Business Administration : Management
1. Form 138/High School Transcript of Records
2. Official Transcript of Records (for evaluation purposes)
3. NSO (Certificate of Live Birth)
4. One (1) copy of latest 2x2 ID picture with Name Tag
5. Passport